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IT Support for Law Firms

In an ever-changing business landscape, law firms need an IT partner that will help them stay ahead of the technology curve.

Since 2000, Sigma Information Group has been assisting law firms with the management and care of their valuable IT infrastructure. We understand the specific technology needs and challenges of the legal industry and provide the support necessary to help our partners maximize operational efficiency and, ultimately, revenue. Whether consulting on technology strategy, helping transition data and systems to the cloud, integrating new software or protecting valuable information from cyber threats, Sigma Information Group’s legal industry expertise allows us to fully support the unique IT issues that law firms frequently encounter.

Sigma Information Group’s legal IT expertise allows law firms to:

  • Streamline business processes for more efficient operations
  • Integrate practice management software with document management systems
  • Provide secure access data to firm data from anywhere
  • Protect sensitive information and assets from cyber attack
Project Management
Security Services
Email Systems
Cloud Migrations
Office Build-outs