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Managed Security Services

Today’s organizations need an IT partner who can uncover security vulnerabilities before they are able to damage systems and data.

Sigma Information Group’s managed security services provide clients with 24/7 monitoring of their valuable IT infrastructure. Through continuous scanning, tracking and reporting of threat issues across networks, devices and web applications, we are able to provide companies with peace of mind in an environment of constant cyber-threat. Whether running penetration tests, scanning for destructive malware, or even locating devices not authorized on your system, Sigma Information Group’s managed security services will allow your organization to operate with the assurance that your systems are secure from imminent risk.

Sigma Information Group’s Managed Security Service provides:

  • 24/7 monitoring of your systems
  • Configurable alerts and reports
  • Support across networks, devices and applications
  • Additional confidence that your systems are safe
Project Management
Security Services
Email Systems
Cloud Migrations
Office Build-outs